Saturday, January 25, 2020

Obama talks Trump, Thunberg and his favourite thing about Canada | CTV News

Obama talks Trump, Thunberg and his favourite thing about Canada | CTV News: Efforts by the Trump administration to undo fuel-efficiency standards for vehicles are a setback to the battle against climate change, former U.S. president Barack Obama said on Thursday.

It will require a "surge of energy" from citizens to put pressure on large institutions to tackle greenhouse gas emissions that exacerbate global warming, Obama said. It's a cause, he said, that younger people increasingly understand and are willing to take on.
"Which is why you have somebody like a Greta Thunberg who gets so much traction," he said. "Because she speaks for a generation that is going to have to deal with this mess in a way that somebody like me, who's 58, is not going to have to deal with it."
Simply hectoring individual citizens or blaming developing countries for not doing more to rein in harmful emissions, he said, won't fix the problem. He described a situation in which a man has to drive 50 miles every day in an old pickup truck to his job so he can support his family. He can't afford an electric or hybrid vehicle and there's no mass transit.
"You can lecture about climate change but he's just trying to get to work," Obama said. "And if you are dismissive of his legitimate specific concerns about supporting his family, then he is going to tune you out, regardless of the science of climate change."
Similarly, he said, millions of people in the Third World live without basics, so it would be unreasonable to expect them to reject coal-fired electricity that could transform their lives.
At the same time, Obama said, citizens in places like China or India to press their governments to do better. One reason he was able to persuade the Beijing government to sign on to the Paris Accords was because the growing middle class in China, faced with nasty pediatric cancer rates or unbreathable air, views environmental degradation as their most important political concern, he said.
"The Chinese government, even though it's not a democracy, became sensitive enough to the potential political instability of this environmental crisis that they said, 'It makes sense for us to sign up."
Obama said the U.S. and other industrial nations spent decades spewing pollution as they developed their economies and built infrastructure until they locked in a high carbon economy. It's simply unreasonable to tell developing countries they need to stop, he argued.
What the West needs to do is help the Third World "leapfrog our development models" and come up with systems where they can get electricity and produce enough food without destroying the planet.
"We have to figure out how do we give them the opportunity to enjoy a reasonable standard of living while still preserving the environment," Obama said.
The thousands of people attending the event put on by the Economic Club and Global Institute for Conscious Economics also heard the former president talk about his favourite thing about Canada.
"You're just so reasonable," he said. "Canadians are super reasonable."
This story was first published by The Canadian Press on Jan. 23, 2020.

Monday, January 20, 2020

20 Five-Minute Journaling Prompts for a Mentally Strong Finish to January

20 Five-Minute Journaling Prompts for a Mentally Strong Finish to January: It's time to start a five-minute journal. It's time to train your mind to see the beauty hidden in everything. Because your positivity—your graceful acceptance of life—is a choice. And the happiness in your heart depends on the quality of your mental perspective.

First, let’s remind ourselves that the best way to achieve anything worthwhile in life is to build small daily rituals that you practice every single day (or at least every day you’re physically able to). A small daily ritual is a practice you regard as special, an activity not to be taken lightly, that you prioritize and set apart from the rest of your routine. It’s something you willingly surrender yourself to, not allowing yourself to reject the parts of it you dislike, but instead pushing forward and committing to the full experience for a short time each day. And of course, the small bits of progress you make each day add up to something big, and ultimately change the trajectory of your life.
A good example might be a five-minute daily writing ritual, where you decide to write every morning after breakfast, shutting off your phone and other distractions, and just writing quietly. You have a clear intention, then you set a timer and give yourself fully to the writing, not allowing yourself to switch to other tasks until the timer goes off. When it goes off, you bow your head in gratitude for a job well done, smile, and go about your day. (This is just an example of how I do it; you don’t have to do it exactly this way.)
With a small daily ritual like this, you have a clear structure and a reliable sequence… and yet, you’ll still find yourself wanting to rebel. You’ll catch your willpower thrashing about sometimes, as you struggle with your habitual tendency to reach for the nearest distraction. This thrashing isn’t a bad thing though, because that’s where the most powerful growth process takes place—in the consistent practice of your small daily ritual, despite your inner rebellion. In the discomfort of staying in it for the long haul, you grow stronger and more self-disciplined with each passing day.
Truly, a small daily ritual can be unimaginably transformative in a relatively short time.
And today, I’m challenging you to jump on the bandwagon with me and begin such a ritual in your life.
In fact, the specific challenge is to implement some of what we’ve just discussed…

A Five-Minute Journaling Ritual for Your Mental Strength

As I’ve mentioned previously on this blog, journaling is a priceless tool for inner strength and real-world success.
Oprah keeps a journal. Lady Gaga keeps a journal. Eminem keeps a journal.
Successful people all over the world—those who consistently experience positive growth in their lives—reflect daily and learn from their life experiences. And they often use some kind of journal to accomplish this. For the longest time, I knew the value of journaling—I heard the success stories of others—and yet I never took action. Why? Because I thought I didn’t have time for it. I was “too busy.”
Needless to say, I learned the hard way, but YOU don’t have to.
If you want to get somewhere this year, you need a map, and your journal is that map. It’s a place to capture significant thoughts. It’s a place to sort out where you’ve been and where you intend to go. And it’s one of the most underused, yet incredibly effective personal development tools available to the masses.
So, I’m challenging YOU to wake up tomorrow morning and get started with journaling, consistently, until the end of the month. I’ve listed 20 five-minute journaling prompts below (which are also excerpts from our New York Times bestselling book) that I’ve personally used in the past to nudge myself into growth-oriented self-reflection. These prompts will bring awareness to the beliefs and assumptions you have. And they will help you think through situations, big and small, and make better decisions going forward.
Challenge yourself to read and write on one prompt for five minutes each morning for the next few weeks. See how doing so changes how you think, as you prepare for everything the rest of 2020 has in store for you…

Prompt #1

You’re not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. You’re always growing. Experiences don’t stop. That’s life. And the very experiences that seem so hard when you’re going through them are the ones you’ll look back on with gratitude for how far you’ve come.
What’s the hardest thing you’re trying to achieve or cope with right now? What is something small and necessary about this struggle?

Prompt #2

Train your mind to see the beauty hidden in everything. Your positivity—your graceful acceptance of life—is a choice. The happiness in your heart depends on the quality of your mental perspective.
What’s one thing you could be incredibly grateful for right now, if you wanted to be grateful?

Prompt #3

As human beings we are constantly outgrowing what we once thought we couldn’t live without, and falling in love with what we didn’t even know we wanted. Life literally keeps leading us on journeys we would never go on if it were up to us. Don’t be afraid. Have faith. Find the lessons. Trust the journey.
What’s something you’ve moved on from that once meant the world to you? And, what’s something you love today that you never even knew you needed in your life?

Prompt #4

If you don’t allow yourself to move past what happened, what was said, what was felt, you will look at your present and future through that same dirty lens and nothing will be able to focus your foggy judgment. Realize this. What you do now matters more than what happened yesterday.
What’s one unchangeable reality you’re still holding on to and resisting? What can you do right now to ease your mind into the acceptance of this reality?

Prompt #5

Happiness is letting go of what you assume your life is supposed to be like right now, and sincerely appreciating it for everything that it is. So, RELAX. You are enough. You have enough. You do enough. Breathe deep… let go, and just live right now in this moment. Then, let your renewed presence fuel your next step.
Who would you be, and what else would you see about your present life situation, if you removed the thought that’s been worrying you?

Prompt #6

When a flower doesn’t bloom properly, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower itself. The same is true for YOU. You can’t heal yourself in the same exact environment where you got sick. Realize this, respect this, and do your best to surround yourself with people and situations that push you to be your best. Less drama, less mess. Just higher vibrations and intentions, inside and out.
How has your daily environment been affecting you recently?

Prompt #7

There are hundreds of people in every town on Earth who live their entire lives on the default settings, never realizing they can customize everything. Don’t be one of them. Don’t settle for the default settings in life.
What’s one small example of how you have “customized” your life for the better?

Prompt #8

A big part of your life is a result of your choices. If you don’t like some part of your life, it’s time to start making changes and new choices. And it’s OK to be low-key about it. You don’t need to put everything on social media. Silently progress and let your actions speak for themselves.
What have your most recent actions been saying about your priorities? What kind of silent progress would you like to make in your life by the end of the month?

Prompt #9

If it entertains you now but will hurt you someday, it’s a distraction. Don’t settle. Don’t exchange what you want most for what’s easiest at the moment. Study your routines and habits. Figure out where your energy goes, and remove distractions. It’s time to focus on what matters.
What’s one distraction that has been getting the best of you lately? Why?

 Prompt #10

You become a true master of your life when you learn how to master your focus—where your attention goes. Value what you give your energy to. Rise above the pettiness trying to draw you in. Focus on what matters. Where attention goes, energy flows. Where energy flows, things grow.
What truly DOES matter to you most right now?

Prompt #11

Get up. Make that call. Go on that date. Apply for that job. Start that side-hustle. Don’t be afraid of rejection, struggle or failing forward. There’s no shame in trying your best. Live, learn and grow through every risk you take towards inner growth and fulfillment.
What’s one small risk you believe is worth taking in the months ahead? What’s the first step?

Prompt #12

Nothing big happens overnight. True progress takes time. Don’t give up because you can’t yet see the results of your labor. It can take months of focus and dedication to get outcomes you can actually see. You gotta believe even when the immediate results are invisible to the eye.
What’s something big you’ve accomplished in the past that once seemed impossible?

Prompt #13

Life doesn’t want to give you pain, it wants you to grow and evolve. Repeated struggles aren’t punishment, they’re opportunities to demonstrate strength and progress. Anybody can talk about how strong they are, but life requires you to prove it. Prove that you are ready to level-up!
Why are you ready to level-up right now? Ans why are the painful parts of this process totally worth it?

Prompt #14

Working hard is important, but rest is too. It’s tempting to fill in every waking minute of the day with tasks. Don’t do this to yourself. Leave space. The space between the things we do is just as important as the things we do. Your overarching goal right now is living a life uncluttered by most of the things people fill their lives with, leaving you with space for what truly matters. A life that isn’t constant busyness, rushing and stress, but instead mindful contemplation, creation and connection with people and projects you truly need in your life.
How can you give yourself a little extra time and space to make the right decisions on a daily basis?

Prompt #15

It’s OK to… Say “no.” Speak up. Tell the truth. Ask questions. Believe differently. Change your mind. Prioritize your needs. Learn from your mistakes. Embrace your imperfections. Forgive and seek forgiveness. Begin again, stronger than before.
What’s one thing you would do differently if you knew no one would judge you?

Prompt #16

You can’t control how other people feel, or how they receive your energy. Anything you do or say gets filtered through a mindset occupied by whatever they are going through at the moment, which has nothing to do with you. Just keep doing your thing with as much love as possible.
What’s one good, recent example of someone with a negative attitude completely misjudging you? How did you handle it, and what did you learn?

Prompt #17

When you guide somebody who is confused, when you hold somebody who is sad, when you hug somebody who has lost their hope, you too will feel yourself healing and growing stronger. So, no matter what has happened, or what happens today, let kindness be your superpower. Being extra kind to people is a peaceful way to live in each moment, and a beautiful legacy to leave behind in the long run.
Who was the last person who was unexpectedly kind to you? What can you easily do to be a little kinder than usual today, and beyond?

Prompt #18

As you get older, what you look like on the outside becomes less and less of an issue, and who you are on the inside becomes the primary point of interest. You eventually realize that beauty has almost nothing to do with looks—it’s who you are as a human being, how you make others feel about themselves, and most importantly, how you feel about yourself.
What makes your significant other (or someone else you love) truly beautiful on the inside? What make YOU truly beautiful on the inside?

Prompt #19

Just breathe, be, and pay attention to what it’s like to be YOU in this moment. Nothing to fix. Nothing to change right now. Nowhere else to go. Just you, breathing, being, with presence, without judgment. You are welcome here. You belong here. Here, you are enough. Close your eyes. Breathe…
What’s something true about yourself that you need to embrace more openly and lovingly today?

Prompt #20

There will come a time when you think it’s all over, everything is finished… you’ve reached the end of the road. That’s the starting line. Be humble. Be teachable. The world is bigger than your view of the world. There’s always room for a new idea, a new step… a new beginning.
What does “a new beginning” mean to you right now?

Choose to Live YOUR Truth

My greatest wish for YOU right now is that you leverage the journal prompts above to live your life not as a bystander…
Not as a prisoner to the false beliefs that sometimes keep you stuck in your seat.
Instead, live in this world, on this day, and every day in 2020 as an active participant. Every morning, ask yourself what is real and important to you, and then find the courage, wisdom and willpower to build your day around your answer.
It’s your choice.
YOUR choice!
You are choosing right now.
And if you’re choosing…
to complain…
to blame…
to be stuck in the past…
to act like a victim…
to feel insecure…
to feel anger…
to feel hate…
to be naive…
to ignore your intuition…
to ignore good advice…
to give up…
…then it’s time to choose differently!
But, let me also remind you that you are not alone. Generations of human beings in your family tree have chosen. Human beings around the world have chosen. We all have chosen at one time or another. And we stand behind you now whispering:
Choose to be present.
Choose to be positive.
Choose to forgive yourself.
Choose to forgive others.
Choose to see your value.
Choose to see the possibilities.
Choose to find meaning.
Choose to prove you’re not a victim.
Choose to let go of your false beliefs and stories.
Choose to find the mental strength needed to take a real, productive step forward today.
(Note: Marc and I build small, life-changing daily rituals with our annual Think Better, Live Better conference attendees, and also with our students in the “Goals and Growth” module of the Getting Back to Happy course. And we’d be truly honored to work with YOU.)

An Open Letter to Those Who Have Lied to Impress Others

An Open Letter to Those Who Have Lied to Impress Others: Have you ever lied to impress someone? Does lying sometimes seem easier? We've all been there at some point, but there's something you need to know.

Dear Marc and Angel,
In one of your recent emails you asked your students to think about a weakness they’d like to change. Mine is telling lies. Although they’re usually just little lies, I’ve gotten carried away. I lie about things all the darn time mostly to just make myself appear better than I am… because I want to impress people. But it’s getting harder! I feel like every little lie leads to another one, and it’s wearing on me. I’m sick of my own dishonesty! Please help me break this habit. I need some motivation to make a change once and for all. Your wisdom on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
A Dishonest Student

Our reply (an open reply to all who have lied to impress people):

Dear Dishonest Student,
It’s time for a quick story about life…
Once upon a time, an aging king knew the end of his life was nearing, and he decided it was time to designate a successor. Since he had sadly lost his wife and children in a terrible accident, he chose to pass the throne on to one lucky child. So he summoned children from every corner of his kingdom and asked them to visit the castle immediately.
When the children arrived, he gave each of them one little brown seed. “I want you to plant your seed, give it sunlight and water, and take good care of it,” he said. “In exactly six months from today, return to the castle with the plant you’ve grown. The child who grows the most beautiful plant will be mentored by me to become the next king or queen!”
One of the lucky children who received a seed that day was a young girl named Skye. She immediately ran home and carefully planted her seed in a pot of nutrient-rich soil, and then placed it on a well-lit windowsill. Every day Skye watered and cared for her seed. A few weeks later several other children in her school began bragging about their beautiful plants, but Skye’s pot was still empty. Despite her constant care, her seed hadn’t grown at all.
Six months passed by quickly, and it was time for all the children to return to the castle to show the king the plant they had grown. Skye didn’t want to go with her empty pot of soil, but her parents told her to be honest about her failure. Discouraged and dejected, Skye listened to her parents and returned to the castle. She stood quietly at the very back of the room where the king would be evaluating everyone’s plants, and waited to be judged.
As the king entered the room he looked amazed to see so many beautiful plants. He then proceeded to walk from child to child admiring what they had grown. And the closer the king got to Skye, the more her eyes welled up with tears.
The king eventually stood before her and her empty pot of soil. “What is your name?” the king asked.
“Skye,” she said with a whimper.
“Where is your plant, Skye?”
Hanging her head in humiliation, Skye took a deep breath and then looked up at the king and told the truth: “Your majesty, I planted the little brown seed you gave me in this pot, and I gave it plenty of sunshine and water every single day, but the seed did not grow at all. I have failed.
Suddenly, the king’s voice thundered throughout the room, “Behold! My successor! Your next queen! Her name is Skye!”
Silence and confusion swept over the room as the king continued, “Six months ago, I gave everyone here a boiled brown seed that could not grow into a plant. Only Skye had the heart and courage to share the truth with me today. Soon enough, she will lead our kingdom very well!”
As friends, as family members, as teammates… too often we feel the need to lie about our experiences and accomplishments, simply to make ourselves appear bigger and better than we are. We believe that if we constantly show off the “beautiful plants” we’ve grown, others will love and respect us. But this is far from the truth (no pun intended).
When we share our truths openly and honestly, not only do we build the kind of trust that opens doors to deeper relationships and real opportunities, but we also make it easier for the people we spend our lives with to be more open and honest with us, which makes every moment together healthier and more peaceful.
Marc and Angel

Friday, January 3, 2020

Paulina Porizkova Shares Makeup-Free Selfie on Instagram: Details

Paulina Porizkova Shares Makeup-Free Selfie on Instagram: Details: Paulina Porizkova shared a makeup-free selfie on Instagram on January 2, 2019, along with an important message about self-love — details


Today narcissism is king and constant self-improvement is queen. Who wants to see “real” people on social media? No, we want aspirational. We want tips and secrets and shortcuts to how best present ourselves in the most glowing light. We want people to envy us, to copy us, to buy what we sell them, whether it’s our words, our brands, torture or magic.
In this crowded forrest of aspirations, I look for the little meadows of peace. To me, those are the truthful ones, the ones that don’t always look amazing, and don’t always feel amazing, and aren’t just so fucking thrilled to be their awesome selves.
So, this is what I really look like. Not a great photo, early in the morning, no make up no filters, just the real true me. I’ll be turning 55 soon. At first glance, I think - ew. I look so old. Grief is certainly no beauty maker. My eyelids are starting to droop. The jowly bits next to my mouth don’t only make me look older but also somehow bitter. The gray in my hair is an easy fix, although, honestly, I’d love to just grow it out and stop coloring.
Now, how can I help to make all this -what we consider flaws - to be seen differently, to be seen as confidence and beauty of a mature age rather than something that needs to be eliminated? I used to think gray hair was aging, that it was a sign of giving in to being old, but thanks to many glorious and rocking hot women on Instagram, I’ve changed my vision to gray hair being sexy and confident. @themiddleagedgoddess @annikavonholdt
There was a quote by @pink to her little daughter, about how it was not for them to fix themselves to fit the standards of beauty, but rather to help other people discover their beauty. Now, that is something to strive for. Not change yourself to fit in the box, but to blow up the fucking box. I’d like to end this post with a rousing “ let’s blow up the fucking box, ladies”, but although I really want to, and will try my best, the truth is that I am a mid-fifties woman, I’m vain and insecure, and next week I could decide to have surgical help to fit the comfortable and warm and familiar box instead of crusading to blow it up. #selfie #truth #beauty #sexyhasnoagelimit#blowupthefuckingbox

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mandala Wood Carving Products | Floral Mandala Personalized Gifts

Mandala Wood Carving Products | Floral Mandala Personalized Gifts: Mandala wood carving products. These Designs are Simulated Faux Wood Carvings. Flowers Pattern Floral Design, and Floral Mandala Circles. Ready personalize.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Pope Francis angrily slaps woman's hand after she yanks his arm | CTV News

Pope Francis angrily slaps woman's hand after she yanks his arm | CTV News: Pope Francis became visibly upset and slapped a woman’s hand after she grabbed him during a public event in the Vatican City on Tuesday.
A visibly annoyed Pope Francis had to pull himself away from a woman in a crowd in St Peter's Square on New Year's Ever after she grabbed his hand and yanked him towards her. Pope Francis was walking through the square and greeting pilgrims. After reaching out to greet a child, the pope turned away from the crowd only for a nearby woman to seize his hand and pull her towards him. The abrupt gesture appeared to cause him pain and Francis slapped swiftly slapped at her hand before pulling his hand free