Thursday, September 30, 2021

What Does It Mean to Have "Burnout"?

People talk about Burnout a lot. But what does it actually mean to have Burnout? In this video we answer that question!

ADHD Burnout is the same with just simply trying to cope with life.

RESEARCH provided by: Farah Mahmud, M.S. Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology Research consultants: R. Boccamazzo, PsyD, Dr. Patrick LaCount Time Stamp: 1:48 - 2:15 Leiter, M.P.Maslach, C. “Areas of Worklife: A Structured Approach to Organizational Predictors of Job Burnout,” in Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being 3, eds. P.L. Perrewe, D.C. Ganster (Oxford: Elsevier, 2004): 91-134.

ADHD: Why Do We Hold Ourselves to Neurotypical Standards?

Being more neurotypical does not equal being more valuable. We need to stop telling ourselves (and others) that it does.

How to ADHD

Quotes from the Comments:

"Having ADHD feels like working twice as hard just to do half as much as everyone else." - Alan the Dinosaur

" husband says, "You're playing on hard mode." He says, "don't compare yourself to others because you have to play on hard mode and they might be on standard settings... Makes me feel better about myself. That I'm not flawed, my life is just on hard mode, and I'm doing doing the best I can." - Caitlyn O'Sullivan

"I’m often reminded of this one comic about the educational system. There’s a variety of animals standing in a line, a songbird, a monkey, a penguin, an elephant, a fish in a bowl, a seal, and a dog. Across from them is a man who tells them: - “For a fair selection everyone has to take the same exam: please climb that tree” - Gulf Giggle Animations

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I tried 500 years of Haircuts

"I've wanted try a bunch of these styles for so long, but always had the 'wrong' hair length! So I fixed that, one style at a time." - Morgan Donner
A Masterpiece of Past Centuries of Hairstyles covered by one woman.