Saturday, March 18, 2023

Chicken Poops Breakfast T-Shirts

Chicken Poops Breakfast T-Shirt - Irony Designs Fun Shop Novelty, Cute and Funny Gift Products

Chicken Poops Breakfast Funny Illustration T-Shirt

Chicken Poops Breakfast Funny Design featuring a brown chicken / hen that laid a brown egg. "I Poop Breakfast! What's your superpower?" Chickens, like all birds, have a single opening called the cloaca through which they excrete, mate and lay eggs. So you could say eggs come out of a chicken's bum AND it's fanny, since the same hole serves both purposes. BUT, when an egg comes out, the chicken’s Cloaca is turned inside out so that the egg cannot come in contact with the intestines (fecal matter nastiness). So now you can tell your kids or friends where chicken eggs come from!
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